Happy Tummy Basics

If your tummy ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy …

Did you know that the majority of physical symptoms, major or minor, start in your gut? So, if you’re having gut symptoms, it’s only a matter of time before the rest of your body starts ‘talking back’ to you. This customized group program will help you get to the bottom of your tummy troubles in no time.

“I’d been struggling with Candida for quite some time. After 5 weeks, my joint pain has improved to the point where I can exercise, my eczema is half of what it was, I haven’t had a migraine in weeks and my weight is releasing. I’m feeling so much better! I’m motivated to keep it up now that the course is over because the food plan Holly gave me is so easy to follow.”

Stephanie Woods

Happy Tummy Basics online course

Intro:     Wiring Yourself for Joy  –  so that you’re free to eat what your body REALLY wants.

Week 1:     Emotions, Food and Your Tummy
Week 2:     What to take out: Clearing out what’s unhelpful, how to handle cravings with helpful foods.
BONUS:     15 min yoga practice for digestion
Week 3:     Healing the gut lining
BONUS:     Q & A Call
Week 4:     Becoming a Good Host for a Healthy Microbiome
Week 5:     Restoring balance

Week 6:     BONUS:

  • Food stress: Tools for nourishing yourself well day to day without feeling deprived
  • How to effectively reintegrate foods into your diet
  • Trusting your gut


  • The Happy Tummy Vitality Plan so that your course is fully customized
  • Food & Mood Journal – so that you can track what’s working and what isn’t.
  • Accountability is optional

VIP:     Includes Group Course + 3 additional  1:1  sessions  –   $2497

Group Course Only:      $1497

“When I started the Happy Tummy Basics course, I’d been diagnosed with IBS that was turning into Crohn’s disease. Now, I’m enjoying so many foods I never liked in the past, and I’m feeling great. I just came back from a camping trip where, for the first time, I didn’t spend the weekend in the outhouse.”

Zea Tejada-O'Reilly

Live Calls:   will take place on Wednesdays at noon, MDT on  October 16, 23 & 30, November 6 & 13

Bonus Classes:
Saturday, November 2, 9:30 am MDT
Wednesday, November 20

Videos will be available to view / review until December 20, 2019

“I started to feel good very quickly, don’t feel acidic anymore (even when I have indulged). The course Intro inspired me right from the start to have more fun and my body responded with a BIG thank you! Every call video gave a lot of insight and calmed me down, when I was getting too hard on myself.”

Elerin Sahtel

Contact Holly by Email